Upcoming Events

  1. USO Westover Coffee Connections 

    250 Jenkins Street Westover Air Reserve Base, Box 17 Chicopee, MA 01022 United States

    Monthly Military Spouse get together to network and make friends. Pre-school aged children and homeschooled children are welcome.

    Feb 18th, 2025 10:30 AM EST (1030R)

  2. Movie Day 

    Come join the USO at the Subase Movie Theater (Dealey Theater, building 164) for a no-school day matinee. Movie starts at 11 AM, tickets compliments of the USO. Come early to purchase concessions before the show (no outside food or drinks will be …

    Feb 18th, 2025 11:00 AM EST (1100R)

  3. Songs and Sweets 

    Building 164 Grayling Avenue Groton, CT 06349 United States

    Need an morning pick me up? Come to the USO Center, grab a cup of coffee and a sweet treat, and play a fun version of “Name That Tune”.

    Feb 20th, 2025 10:00 AM EST (1000R)

  4. Songs and Sweets 

    Building 164 Grayling Avenue Groton, CT 06349 United States

    Need an morning pick me up? Come to the USO Center, grab a cup of coffee and a sweet treat, and play a fun version of “Name That Tune”.

    Feb 20th, 2025 11:30 AM EST (1130R)

  5. TIBS Movie Night 

    USO/MWR hosting a Popcorn and Movie night at the Two if by Sea

    Feb 21st, 2025 4:30 PM EST (1630R)

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